Why I started this Blog?

Why I started this Blog?

Or why introverted, basement-dweller got out of his cave :)


Since I started my journey in IT I was admiring people that are so knowledgeable, that they can share their knowledge with others.

As a newbie in IT and an introvert I always found these people to be a kind of heroes in their field. As they did possess this what I did not have.. big knowledge about certain topic, confidence and this magical skill to write in a manner that others understand & enjoy.

As the time passed I gained technical skill and knowledge thx to the time spent learning & testing but also by utilizing information I gained from others.

I stood on the shoulders of giants so to speak.

I even got to the position of senior.. not that it lowered my impostor syndrome as this is still strong in me 😅.

But I got to the point that I want to share what I learned and to mould myself anew.

So, as You might already guess, dear reader, there are quite a few reasons for this blog of mine:

1) I want to gain confidence & the communication skill.

Through this blog I want to allow other people inside of my head, sort of.

I want to share my ideas in the best manner I can. And via that to open up to others, breaking this basement-dwelling introvert inside of me.

As since I can recall I had difficulty expressing my more complex thoughts, I just couldn’t put them to right words and ended up babbling like an idiot a few times 😉 So I treat this blog as my personal gateway to clearer communication of my own thought process.

2) I want to master what I know & to teach others.

Sharing my knowledge with other people forces me to strengthen the information I already have in order to pass it further . As I love the “4-year old” approach:

Explain the idea in such a way, that even a 4 year old child would understand.

That way of explaining complex topics is hard as it forces teacher to create various layers of abstraction to deliver knowledge brick by brick. But from experience of learning as well as teaching with this method I can easily say it’s the best I encountered.

3) I want to open to opportunities.

Apart from knowledge sharing medium and being my public-notebook I want this blog to be a log of my endeavors. As sometimes references from employers might be hard to get and writing on CV what I can do can be treated as self-praising I want to add something more for future recruiters.

What is more, I’d love to speak at some conferences at some point. I just was always too shy or I thought that I was just not knowledgeable enough. I want to change that..

4) Fight with the impostor syndrome.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but after almost every certification I get, or every new design or script that starts working like a charm, after a while I get this dumb feeling that makes me ask myself:

-> What am I doing here?

-> Am I skilled enough to carry on where I currently am?

-> What if somebody notices that I doubt myself sometimes? etc.

Have You ever had this feeling?

This is what is called the impostor syndrome. It affects very many people that are constantly pushing themselves further to gain position, skills or knowledge. And the main symptom is being constantly in doubt of one’s skills although the actions and past doings tell something completely different.

So I want to fight this feeling by proving to myself, via this blog, that in fact I know what I know and I can prove it.


There it is.. as simple as I could write, the reasons behind this blog.

I wish I made this decision sooner, but I guess better now than never. 🤓

Thank You if You read till now 💙